In an unexpected twist, Young Thug has delved into the world of mixing on Lil Baby’s new album, “Wham.”

Young Thug, known for his unique rap style, has surprised fans by stepping behind the mixing board for Lil Baby’s latest release, “Wham.” Not only does Thug lend his expertise as a mixing engineer, but he also joins forces with Future as a guest artist on the track “Dum, Dumb, and Dumber.”

While some fans have praised Thug’s role in the project, others on social media expressed disappointment. One user claimed, “The album is disappointing considering he is a mainstream rapper with access to various producers, engineers, and artists.” This sentiment was echoed by another user who felt that the mixing could have been better.

Thug made his musical return on this track after being released from jail in October 2024. His release followed a plea deal in the headline-grabbing YSL RICO trial, which resulted in several restrictions, including probation and a ban on visiting Metro Atlanta for the next decade.

The rapper’s unexpected career move has sparked conversation and speculation among fans. A studio photo shared by “@connor.films” on Instagram shows Young Thug working alongside Lil Baby, adding fuel to the discussions about his mixing credits.

Young Thug’s participation in “Wham” has left fans divided. Some appreciate his efforts and are eager to see where his newfound skills might lead, while others remain skeptical about the overall sound quality of the album.

Despite the mixed reviews, Young Thug’s contribution to Lil Baby’s “Wham” showcases his willingness to explore new facets of the music industry. Whether hit or miss, it’s clear that Thug isn’t afraid to try something novel, leaving fans curious about what he’ll tackle next.

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