Travis Scott will face no charges after his recent arrest in Paris.

The rapper was detained following an altercation involving a security guard.

Incident at George V Hotel

Paris prosecutors revealed that Scott was arrested on Friday, August 9, at the George V Hotel. The arrest followed an alleged assault on a security guard.

The guard intervened in a scuffle between Scott and his bodyguard. The situation escalated, leading to Scott’s detention.

Prosecutors’ Statement

Prosecutors confirmed the incident took place and that Scott was arrested for assaulting the guard. “I can confirm that on August 9, 2024, police officers were called to the George V Hotel and arrested the rapper nicknamed Travis Scott for assaulting a security guard,” they said.

The security guard tried to separate Scott from his bodyguard. This intervention led to the alleged assault.

The Paris public prosecutor’s office referred the case to the 1st district of the judicial police.

Release and No Charges

By Saturday, August 10, Scott was released with no charges filed against him. This decision came after a review of the incident by the authorities.

The release brought relief to Scott’s followers and his legal team.

Prosecutors decided there wasn’t sufficient evidence to proceed with charges.

Previous Incident in Miami

Just two months prior, Scott was arrested in Miami for disorderly intoxication and trespassing. The intoxication charge was dropped, but the trespassing charge remains.

If found guilty of trespassing, Scott could face up to 60 days in jail or a fine of up to $500.

The Miami incident involved Scott causing a disturbance on a charter boat. He was reportedly drunk and had to be asked to leave multiple times.

Bodycam Footage and Scott’s Reaction

In newly-leaked bodycam footage, Scott expressed his fear of the police. He criticized officers for their heavy-handed approach during his arrest.

The footage shows Scott arguing with police over being on the yacht to retrieve his belongings. He was visibly distressed and complained about the officers’ behavior.

Scott was ultimately restrained and handcuffed before being taken to a police car.

Upcoming Trial

Scott is set to face trial for the Miami trespassing charge on September 10. This charge could result in further legal consequences for the rapper.

The trial will determine if Scott’s actions warrant a conviction and subsequent penalties.

Public Reactions

Fans of Travis Scott have expressed mixed reactions to his recent legal troubles. Some support him, while others criticize his behavior.

Despite his recent arrest in Paris, Travis Scott faces no charges.

However, the Miami incident still looms, with a trial set for September 10.

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