Russell Simmons intensifies his lawsuit against ex-wife Kimora Lee by demanding she reveal text messages in court.

The embattled music mogul accuses Kimora of using his shares to pay for her ex-husband’s bond.

Russell Simmons Wants Kimora Lee To Show Receipts

Russell Simmons is not backing down from his lawsuit against Kimora Lee. He has recently motioned for her to reveal private text messages and appear in federal court. According to Simmons, these texts will prove his claim that Kimora used his shares to bail out her ex-husband Tim Leissner.

Kimora Lee, however, denies these allegations. Her attorney described Simmons’ demands as ‘excessive and irrelevant.’ The ongoing courtroom battle has divided opinions, with some people taking sides while many find the situation more complex than initially thought.

Background of the Lawsuit

Simmons’ lawsuit stems from an allegation that Kimora used his shares in an investment to pay for Tim Leissner’s bond. Leissner, a former Goldman Sachs banker, was involved in the 1MDB scandal, which necessitated his bond payment. Simmons believes that text conversations between Kimora, Leissner, and her financial advisors will support his claims.

Kimora has already provided documents to prove her ownership of the shares. Despite this, Simmons insists on obtaining her text messages, hoping it will bolster his case. How this will unfold remains to be seen, but the situation is certainly heating up.

Simmons’ Social Media Outburst

In a recent social media post, Simmons warned people not to attack his friends for supporting him. ‘I have never spoken to a policeman about anything,’ he stated emphatically. ‘I have never spoken to a judge, civil or criminal, about anything.’

Simmons compared his situation to that of high-profile politicians. ‘From what I can tell, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, President Trump all have more credible claims against them than I do,’ he said. He urged the public to refrain from attacking his friends for standing by him.

Kimora Lee’s Perspective

Kimora Lee has been vocal about her stance on the matter. She claims that she has already proven ownership of the shares in question. Her legal team maintains that Simmons’ demands for text messages are an overreach and irrelevant to the case.

Recently, Kimora spoke to TMZ about her daughter’s relationship with a significantly older man, linking it to the broader context of their family dynamics. She mentioned feeling that her daughter was ‘set up,’ emphasizing her role in teaching her daughters about navigating complex social scenarios.

Public Reaction

The public reaction to this ongoing legal battle has been mixed. Many people have taken sides, either supporting Simmons or Kimora. Social media platforms have been abuzz with debates and opinions on the matter.

While some believe Simmons has a valid point, others think Kimora has sufficiently proven her ownership of the shares. The complexity and high stakes of the case have kept people engaged and speculating about the outcome.

As more details emerge, it’s evident that this case is far from over. The demand for text messages adds another layer of intrigue to an already complicated situation.

Legal Implications

The legal implications of this case could be significant. If Simmons’ demand for text messages is granted, it could set a precedent for similar cases in the future. This could involve a deeper scrutiny of private communications in legal disputes.

On the other hand, if the court sides with Kimora, it might discourage the use of private texts as evidence unless absolutely necessary. Either way, the outcome of this case will likely have a lasting impact on how similar lawsuits are conducted.

What’s Next?

Both parties are gearing up for the next phase of the legal battle. Simmons is preparing to argue for the necessity of the text messages in proving his claims. Meanwhile, Kimora’s legal team is steadfast in their assertion that they have already provided sufficient evidence.

The court’s decision on this matter will be crucial. It will determine whether Simmons gets the additional evidence he seeks or if Kimora can put this part of the lawsuit behind her. Until then, the public remains keenly interested in the developments.


The legal battle between Russell Simmons and Kimora Lee continues to unfold with new twists and turns. Simmons’ demand for text messages adds a new dimension to the case.

As both parties prepare for the next phase, the public watches closely, eager to see how this high-stakes drama will end.

This high-profile legal battle is far from over, with new demands and counterclaims adding layers of complexity.

As the court case progresses, all eyes will be on the key players and the evidence they present.

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