R.A.P. Ferreira is now free from domestic violence charges after a court dismissed the case. Here’s what happened next:

  • Ferreira was accused by his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Stingley, of assaulting her and her children.
  • Stingley claimed the indie star physically attacked her 7-year-old son and used a deadly weapon.
  • Ferreira denied these accusations from the start and proclaimed his innocence.
  • The court has ruled in favor of Ferreira, dismissing all charges and ordering Stingley to pay his legal fees.

R.A.P. Ferreira, the indie music sensation, is no longer facing domestic violence charges. His ex-girlfriend, Chloe Stingley, had accused him of assaulting her and her children, including a terrifying claim that he used a deadly weapon against her 7-year-old son.

Stingley posted these accusations online, saying, “We lived in Nashville for a few months and fled in November of 2023 because of fear of bodily harm and death.”

Ferreira has always denied these allegations, insisting they were lies. He recently took to Instagram to share his relief not only that the case was dismissed but also that Stingley must pay his attorney fees within 28 days, or she will face arrest.

Ferreira revealed that Stingley’s sole witness, her mother, didn’t show up to testify. He also accused Stingley of misusing crowdfunded money meant for legal fees and highlighted that she falsely claimed to have 42 pieces of material evidence against him.

His frustrations were clear when he criticized journalists and musicians who shared his personal details and supported allegations without proof. Ferreira stated, “I have sole custody of my daughter. I have a restraining order against her mother.”

He added, “I am a real father who does everything in his power to protect and provide for his children. This is the only job I have had in my adult life and I would like to get back to it now.”

Ferreira concluded his Instagram post thanking his family and friends, saying, “My heart is with real victims and I pray for the sick mind that would lie about anything of this magnitude. Peace.”

R.A.P. Ferreira can now focus on his life, free from these legal battles.

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