Where’s Joe Biden? Meek Mill is asking the same question.

  • Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 and left the presidential race.
  • Biden has been out of the public eye for several days, sparking rumors.
  • Meek Mill voiced his concerns on social media, fueling conspiracy theories.
  • Cardi B also joined the conversation, supporting Kamala Harris as the new nominee.

Meek Mill is stirring up the internet with a big question: Where’s Joe Biden? The rapper hasn’t seen the President in public since he tested positive for COVID-19 and dropped out of the presidential race. Biden made his announcement on July 21 and has been laying low since July 17. Naturally, the internet went wild with conspiracy theories.

Although Biden has been out of sight for just a few days, some people, especially far-right opponents, are turning his absence into wild stories. Meek Mill jumped on the bandwagon by posting on X (formerly Twitter), asking, ‘Where tf is Joe Biden at?’ This simple question ignited even more speculation.

Despite all the buzz, Biden did call into a campaign event for Kamala Harris, who stepped in as the Democratic nominee. ‘I know yesterday’s news was surprising and hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do,’ he assured his staffers. He also encouraged them to support Kamala with the same energy they gave him.

Meanwhile, Cardi B couldn’t stay quiet. The Bronx star celebrated Kamala Harris’s new role, even reminding fans that she had supported Harris over Biden all along. ‘AHAHAHAHA LETS GOOOOO I TOLD YALLL KAMALA WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE 2024 candidate…..STOP FUCKIN PLAYIN WITH ME !!!!!!!’ she wrote on X.

Cardi B also shared her frustration about Biden’s decision to run in the first place. She re-posted clips from June where she criticized the Democratic Party for not letting Harris take the lead sooner. ‘This was the perfect moment for her,’ Cardi claimed, stating that Harris has the same values and sharpness as Biden but missed her chance because of him.

So, while Biden stays out of the limelight, debates and speculations are filling the gap.

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