In a compelling twist of events, Michael Rubin has stepped up to defend his close friend, rap star Meek Mill, against allegations regarding his sexuality.

On an episode of The Breakfast Club, Rubin addressed the controversial topic, assuring fans and the public that there’s ‘not a gay bone’ in Meek’s body.

Michael Rubin Speaks Out

Michael Rubin, the CEO of Fanatics, appeared on The Breakfast Club to defend his friend Meek Mill against rumors that have been tagging the rap star’s name.

Rubin stated, ‘When I see the narrative of, a really good friend of mine like Meek, and people are trying to … Again, if he was gay — which there’s not one gay bone in his body — who cares, number one. If people wanna be gay, it is 2024. Who the fuck cares?’ His passionate defense left a mark on listeners.

The Viral Bunny Hop

The defense by Rubin traces back to a viral moment. A video showed Meek Mill doing bunny hops on a tennis court, which drew unnecessary and unfounded speculations about his sexuality.

The video, initially a harmless moment between friends, became a tool for trolls online. Rubin questioned the motivations behind twisting the narrative to attack Meek Mill.

Explaining the Bunny Hop

The infamous bunny hop clip resurfaced when a fan tweeted about it to Meek Mill.

Meek responded, ‘This a game I started from prison we used to make killers do bunny hops when they lost because it was too hostile for money.’

He also added, ‘This be us!!! ima get Rubin to bunny hop for me okay lol ima teach him d thang hop!’ emphasizing the playful and friendly nature of the moment.

Black Culture and Negative Narratives

Rubin didn’t shy away from critiquing aspects of Black culture. He said, ‘That is the one thing I’ve learned about, you know, look, I’m just being blunt because it’s me. It’s the one thing I’ve learned about Black culture that I don’t like is that Black hate on hate [sic].’

His candid remarks highlighted his disapproval of how some segments within the community can be quick to bring each other down.

Rumors About Diddy

Earlier this year, rumors about Meek Mill’s relationship with Diddy reignited the gossip mill.

The speculation stemmed from a lawsuit where Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones accused Diddy of sexual harassment, drugging, and threats. Jones mentioned that Diddy had sexual encounters with a Philadelphia rapper and an R&B singer. Footnotes suggest it was Meek Mill and Usher.

This situation only fueled more baseless theories and attacks against Meek.

Legal Battles and Public Perception

Legal documents related to the lawsuit against Diddy quickly spread online, adding fuel to the fire.

The lawsuit’s mention of Meek Mill, although indirect, cast a shadow over him. Fans and the public were left to piece together the claims, often jumping to conclusions without evidence.

Standing Strong Amidst Rumors

Despite the swirling rumors and controversies, Meek Mill remains unfazed.

With Rubin’s public support and clarity on misinterpreted incidents like the bunny hop, Meek continues to focus on his music and career.

It’s clear Rubin’s stand aims to correct false narratives and support his friend amidst adversity.

Michael Rubin’s defense of Meek Mill sheds light on the power of friendship and the resilience needed to withstand public scrutiny.

As rumors continue to circulate, it’s essential to focus on the truths and not let unfounded claims overshadow genuine moments and relationships.

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