Kodak Black, the rapper with a history of substance abuse, shared an inspiring update with his fans during an Instagram Live session earlier this week. Instead of veering into typical celebrity territory, Kodak made his sobriety the focal point, surprising many with his honesty and progress.

Gone are the days when Kodak Black couldn’t go a few hours without substances. This week, the rapper revealed on Instagram Live that going a few days sober is now “nothing” to him. “I’m sober for the most part,” he declared, a significant statement considering his past.

Emphasizing that if he, the so-called Gremlin, could do it, others battling substance issues could too, Kodak Black expressed pride in his journey. Social media erupted with praise in The Neighborhood Talk’s comments section. Among the flood of supportive comments, one fan wrote, “Love that for him,” while another added, “A win is a win.”

Kodak’s transparency about his struggles and victories over addiction is resonating with many fans, encouraging others not to go down the destructive path he once did. His latest sobriety revelations came just days after he expressed regret for some of his popular lyrics that glorified drug use.

During a show in Los Angeles, Kodak Black addressed his 2022 track “Super Gremlin,” where he raps about taking fake Percs. He admitted that if he had actually taken those fake drugs, he would likely be “dead” by now, highlighting the dangers associated with such substance use. He clarified that he never intended to mislead listeners or promote dangerous behavior.

Kodak Black’s candidness offers hope to those who may be struggling with their own substance abuse issues. His journey towards sobriety is not only a personal triumph but a beacon for those looking to make positive changes in their lives. As he continues to take steps in the right direction, fans remain optimistic and supportive of his ongoing progress.

Kodak Black’s story is a compelling example of how even those who seem lost can make significant strides towards a better future. His honesty and openness about his sobriety journey serve as an inspiration to many. As he continues down this path, his progress is a reminder that change is possible.

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