Ice-T thinks it’s strange that Lenny Kravitz has managed to go almost a decade without sex. Kravitz recently shared his celibacy journey in an interview with The Guardian, explaining that the nine-year period began after his last serious relationship.

Upon hearing about Kravitz’s celibacy, Ice-T took to X (formerly Twitter) on May 30 to share his thoughts. “9yrs without sex? F that BS. Weirdo shit,” he initially tweeted, though he later deleted it. However, he continued discussing the topic with fans.

When someone pointed out that it’s a personal journey for Kravitz, Ice-T replied, “F that Journey…. lol.” He then added, “Hey….. If you’re a Guy and you can voluntarily go 9yrs without sex… You’re following the wrong page..” Another user asked why he was judging Kravitz’s choice, to which Ice-T responded, “Shit’s Weird to me….. I love to Fuck. A lot.”

Ice-T is a well-known figure in gangster rap, with early hits like “6 in the Mornin’” laying the groundwork for the genre. Recently, his friend Chuck D noted on X (formerly Twitter) that many of Ice-T’s songs, despite their tough exterior, carry a moral lesson. For instance, “6 in the Mornin’” depicts the protagonist, a “self-made monster of the city streets,” getting arrested and later released without showing remorse. In his 1988 track “High Rollers,” Ice-T explicitly warns, “fast money leads to a fast life and a quick death.”

Chuck D added, “Many People don’t understand that when [Ice-T] talks about gangsterISH anything… he is steering you far away from fkn with that life. His stories say it and he clearly says it’s a better road than being FAKE at it.” Ice-T agreed, saying, “The Streets are VERY exciting and attractive to an outsider. The FLASH of the the Hustler and the Game… But I’ve always tried to tell em that ‘It’s Fun in the beginning, But it’s PAIN in the end..’”

Ice-T’s reaction to Lenny Kravitz’s celibacy showcases his outspoken nature. While Kravitz’s personal choice might seem unusual to some, it’s evident that Ice-T remains unapologetically himself, whether discussing lifestyle choices or the lessons embedded in his music.

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