Recently, GloRilla kicked off a tour with Megan Thee Stallion, and they even had Cardi B join them on stage at Madison Square Garden. Everyone’s been raving about these performances and how GloRilla has been hitting the gym hard, showing off her progress. Everything seemed to be going great for her.

But then, something unexpected happened. During an interview on The Morning Hustle, an Atlanta investor named Aristotle dropped a bombshell. He accused GloRilla of taking over six figures from him and not following through on their contract. Imagine paying someone a huge amount of money and not getting what you expected in return!

Aristotle explained, ‘GloRilla, she stole some money from me. I paid her some money, over six figures, to do something for me, and she didn’t complete the tasks. She’s still got two more tasks to complete.’ This sounds pretty serious, right? And that’s not all—he’s been waiting for over a year to get this settled in court.

Aristotle revealed that GloRilla had already made a name for herself when they signed the contract. She wasn’t a newbie in the industry. He said, ‘She was big. It’s just, you know, celebrity cocky ‘I’m not gonna fulfill the contract’ sh*t. You know how that sh*t goes.’

So, what do you think about these accusations? If they are true, it’s definitely not a good look for GloRilla. On the other hand, we haven’t heard her side of the story yet. It’s possible there’s more to this situation than meets the eye.

In the end, this controversy adds a twist to GloRilla’s rising career. Whether you’re a fan or just curious, this situation is definitely worth keeping an eye on. We’ll have to wait and see how things unfold in court and if GloRilla will address these serious allegations. Stay tuned for more updates!

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