Fredo Bang jumps to 50 Cent’s defense after Hurricane Chris criticizes the Humor & Harmony Weekend lineup.

  • 50 Cent’s $500K security spend at Humor & Harmony Weekend sparks debate.
  • Hurricane Chris calls out lack of local artists in the lineup, especially from Shreveport.
  • 50 Cent responds to Luenell’s criticism about the absence of female comedians.
  • Fredo Bang confronts Hurricane Chris, questioning his claims about Louisiana artists.

50 Cent recently hosted the Humor & Harmony Weekend in Shreveport, but it wasn’t all laughs. Hurricane Chris criticized the event for lacking local artists and highlighted the $500K spent on security, questioning its necessity.

Chris argued that the money could have been better spent on community youth programs rather than security. His comments gained attention online, adding fuel to the fire.

Fredo Bang, a Louisiana-born artist, wasn’t having it. He jumped online to address Chris’ comments, pointing out that he did perform at the event and questioning Chris’ claims. “Hurricane, if he didn’t put no Louisiana artists, Louisiana legends, who the f*ck I am then?” Fredo fired back.

However, Chris clarified that his criticism was specific to artists from Shreveport, not the whole state of Louisiana. This makes sense since Fredo Bang is from Baton Rouge, not Shreveport.

Meanwhile, 50 Cent also faced criticism from comedian Luenell for not including female comedians in the lineup. He responded by saying the only reason she wasn’t included was that she was already booked and busy at the time.

Fredo Bang’s defense adds another layer to the ongoing debate about 50 Cent’s Humor & Harmony Weekend lineup.

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