Donald Trump once had a wild idea involving Kanye West that was meant to bring the country together.

  • Alyssa Farah Griffin revealed the bizarre plan on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen.
  • Trump wanted Kanye to hold a church service on the White House lawn.
  • Griffin joked about how unifying the plan would actually be.
  • The plan never came to fruition.

Alyssa Farah Griffin, Trump’s former Director of Strategic Communications, shared this surprising story on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen. Describing it as ‘dark,’ she revealed Trump’s plan to have Kanye West lead a church service on the White House lawn to ‘unify’ America.

She humorously noted how strange and unifying such a plan would be, considering Kanye’s controversial reputation. ‘I can think of a few things less unifying than that,’ she joked.

The plan, unsurprisingly, did not come to pass. Griffin mentioned that the idea was dismissed with laughter and the realization that it was neither the right time nor place for such an event.

Kanye West and Donald Trump have had a complicated relationship. Kanye first met Trump in December 2016, just after Trump won the presidential election. Kanye said he wanted to discuss ‘multicultural issues,’ while Trump praised Kanye, calling him a ‘good man.’

Their meeting in the Oval Office in 2018 further showcased their odd dynamic. Wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, Kanye delivered a rambling monologue touching on race, taxes, and even proposed a hydrogen-powered Air Force One called ‘iPlane 1.’

Though Kanye distanced himself from Trump after feeling insulted, he later realigned with Trump, endorsing him ahead of the 2024 election. When paparazzi asked if he planned to vote for Trump, Kanye replied, ‘Yeah of course, it’s Trump all day. What you talking ’bout? You know what it is.’

In the end, Trump’s peculiar plan for Kanye was just another chapter in their unusual relationship.

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