Diddy is reportedly fuming over the release of a video showing him assaulting Cassie in a hotel hallway. While he’s already responded to the footage in the midst of other accusations, it seems like this particular incident is gnawing at him for multiple reasons.

An alleged source close to Diddy spoke to The Post about his views on the situation. According to this insider, Diddy is convinced that the clip’s release is part of a larger agenda against him. The source stated, ‘He’s incensed. Especially about the video. He insists it doesn’t tell the full story about what happened. Not that he’s excusing it, but he says that it’s a selected video. It’s his position that there was an agenda in releasing the video when it was released.’

The source went on to mention that despite the distraction caused by the Cassie video, Diddy’s primary concern remains the raids on his house.

Meanwhile, Cassie took to Instagram to address the situation as the footage went viral on social media. ‘Thank you for all of the love and support from my family, friends, strangers and those I have yet to meet,’ she wrote. ‘The outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now, but this is only the beginning. Domestic violence is THE issue. It broke me down to someone I never thought I would become. With a lot of hard work, I am better today, but I will always be recovering from my past.’

Cassie continued, ‘Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to take this matter seriously. My only ask is that EVERYONE open your heart to believing victims the first time. It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of a situation that you were powerless in. I offer my hand to those that are still living in fear. Reach out to your people, don’t cut them off. No one should carry this weight alone. This healing journey is never ending, but this support means everything to me. Thank you. Love Always, Cassie.’

The reactions from both Diddy and Cassie highlight the complexities surrounding the release of the video. While Diddy is concerned about the motives behind its release, Cassie is focused on the broader issue of domestic violence and the support she’s received from the public.

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