In a heartwarming scene, André 3000, Erykah Badu, and their son Seven Sirius Benjamin reunited for a rare, touching family photo.

Elliott Wilson shared the pic of the trio on Wednesday, September 25. In it, 3 Stacks has his arm around Badu’s shoulder and is grinning, while Seven sits behind them flashing a peace sign.

Recently, the OutKast legend posted a video of himself performing alongside Badu during a New Blue Sun tour stop in Dallas, her hometown. In the clip, Badu plays the theremin while 3 Stacks jams on the flute.

Earlier this week, André shared more photos from the tour, featuring Badu and a family moment of prayer with their son Seven.

Badu has always been open about her relationship with André 3000. Back in 2020, she and Summer Walker interviewed each other for Rolling Stone, where she delved into their history.

The two met in the 1990s with immediate chemistry, which led to the birth of their son, Seven Sirius Benjamin. Though their romantic relationship ended, Badu and 3 Stacks have remained close friends. They didn’t start as friends; it was attraction first.

Badu once shared, “He just left Dallas. He came down for my grandma’s memorial. He’s one of my best friends on the planet. When we became boyfriend and girlfriend in the Nineties, we didn’t become friends first.”

She concluded, “We had stuff in common, but didn’t learn all that until over the years. We have a 23-year-old son. Over these years, we’ve just become closer as friends, as humans, as man, as woman.”

Despite their platonic relationship, Badu’s affection for André runs deep. “I care for him so very much, about his livelihood, his art, his feelings, and I’m a super big fan of him,” she continued. “I’m assuming he’s also a fan of my music. We’re really close. We laugh all the time, talk about things. It’s brother and sister, it’s grandmother and grandson, it’s father and daughter. It’s so many different things depending on what the situation calls for.”

“He’s one of the most caring people that I know. Seven adopted this same energy from him. They both have this look on their face as if they’re saying, ‘I hope it works for you.’ No matter what it is. They’re nonjudgmental people. We respect each other’s art. We’re snobs when it comes to art and literature, but I never hear him putting people down. He wants it to work out for people.”

This rare family photo is a testament to the bond and respect between André 3000 and Erykah Badu—transcending their past romance and remaining close for their son, Seven.

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