Earlier this week, explosive footage surfaced of Judge Erin Gall threatening Black teens with gun violence at a graduation party. The reaction was swift and furious.

In a shocking incident, police bodycam footage revealed State Supreme Court Justice Erin Gall in a heated argument with Black teenagers. This altercation occurred at her friend’s house after a high school graduation party was crashed by uninvited guests.

Amidst the chaos, Judge Gall, a 53-year-old Republican, uttered chilling threats: “They’ll be shot on the property. Because when they trespass, you can shoot them on the property. I’ll shoot them on the property.”

The judge didn’t stop there. She insulted the teens’ intelligence, saying, “They don’t look like they’re that smart. They’re not going to business school, that’s for sure.” She also expressed unwavering support for the police officers at the scene, stating, “The good part is, I’m always on your side. You know I’d take anyone down for you guys.”

Reacting to the disturbing footage, 50 Cent took to Instagram to voice his outrage: “SMH she should be removed this is bad. Repost this video.”

The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct soon echoed the rapper’s sentiments. They published a report recommending Judge Gall’s removal, citing her actions as potentially undermining public confidence in her integrity. “Her wide array of misconduct severely undermined public confidence in the judiciary and in her ability to serve as a fair and impartial judge,” the commission stated.

Judge Gall has been suspended with pay, earning $232,600 a year, while the New York Court of Appeals deliberates on her fate. Her attorney, Robert Julian, revealed that Gall plans to appeal the commission’s decision.

In their defense, Gall’s lawyers recounted a violent altercation involving her family during the party. They claimed that Gall’s son was beaten by multiple uninvited individuals, and her husband was also assaulted while trying to intervene.

The controversy surrounding Judge Gall has ignited a firestorm of responses and raised important discussions about justice and racial bias. The public eagerly awaits the Court of Appeals’ decision.

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