Amid the whirlwind of rumors buzzing around her, Cardi B took to Instagram Live with a bold message: she’s anointed by God, so antagonists beware.

Infamously candid, Cardi B isn’t one to mince her words. She recently lit up social media with a passionate Instagram Live session, issuing a warning to anyone attempting to mess with her. “When you think that you’re gonna do something to me on purpose to hurt me, that sh*t is gonna come back to you,” she declared with unwavering confidence. According to Cardi, her divine anointment means any negative actions directed her way will rebound on the perpetrators.

She wasted no time addressing skeptics who might attribute her success to something other than her talent and charm. Cardi dismissed any notions of practicing “black magic,” attributing her success instead to being “picked by Jesus.” While some might eye her career with envy and speculation, Cardi sees it as a sign of her special touch from above.

Despite the tumultuous backdrop of rumors, Cardi remains unshaken. This month alone, swirling gossip linked her romantically to football player Stefon Diggs. Yet, instead of fueling the fire, Cardi chose humor over hostility, saying, “All these rumors are so f*cking cr*zy. That’s why I don’t want to address it because I feel like it’s funny.” She seems to revel in the quirks of the spotlight, suggesting a maturity in handling public scrutiny.

Her rise from a plethora of strippers and aspiring female rappers to Grammy-winning stardom stands as her testament. Cardi believes her journey, although fraught with challenges, underscores her anointment. “I was picked by Jesus,” she insists, embracing her religious conviction as a rationale for her unique path to fame.

Fans are undoubtedly relieved to see Cardi embrace positivity amidst chaos. The rapper’s belief in a higher power guiding her steps brings a layer of vulnerability and authenticity to her public persona. It’s this blend of audacity and spirituality that continues to endear her to fans worldwide.

In a world where rumors can overshadow, Cardi B asserts her story with divine determination. Her fearless attitude, even when faced with criticism, showcases a resilience that remains unshakeable.

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