Lauren London shares the heartfelt story of meeting the late Nipsey Hussle.

  • She first encountered his music on a film set in Los Angeles.
  • Attempting to get his mixtape for friends led to Nipsey’s manager reaching out.
  • After purchasing the mixtape, Nipsey himself sent her a message of thanks.
  • That message sparked their first conversation and an unforgettable love story.

Lauren London recently appeared on “A Really Good Cry” podcast and opened up about meeting Nipsey Hussle. She described the early days of their relationship as a blend of chance encounters and fateful moments.

It all began on a film set in Los Angeles. Lauren’s colleagues were all listening to Nipsey’s Crenshaw mixtape, and she thought it would be a great idea to get copies for everyone on set. Reaching out to a friend named Danny for help, she hoped to get a discount on the bulk purchase.

However, Nipsey didn’t reach out directly. Instead, his manager contacted Danny, and Lauren didn’t receive the discount she hoped for. Laughing it off, she bought the mixtape and gifted it to her colleagues, setting the stage for an unexpected turn of events.

Lauren then decided to follow Nipsey on social media. Whether it was Twitter or Instagram, she couldn’t remember, but what she does recall is receiving a Direct Message from Nipsey, thanking her for the support. This simple message opened the door to their first real interaction.

Nipsey’s message of gratitude led to an exchange of phone numbers. Lauren recalls thinking Nipsey was very attractive and feeling excited when he “took the bait” by responding to her follow. It turned out friends had thought they would be a great match long before they actually met.

They started texting, and what began as a simple thank-you note evolved into a deep and meaningful relationship. Lauren and Nipsey’s story is a testament to how love can blossom from the most unexpected situations.

Lauren and Nipsey’s story reminds us that love can grow from the simplest interactions.

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