Manny Smith’s music career is full of twists and turns, showcasing a journey through different labels and unexpected alliances. Here are the key moments from his story.

  • Manny’s journey began with the need to leave his initial record label, QC, which demanded a hefty $500,000 fee for his release.
  • To secure the money, Manny creatively tapped into a mysterious list of industry contacts, eventually connecting with Interscope’s Manny Smith.
  • Despite initial uncertainties about the total cost, which turned out to be $800,000, Manny secured the necessary support from his new label.
  • Manny’s persistence and honesty led to a significant collaboration with Kendrick, culminating in the creation of the hit song “New Freezer.”

Manny Smith’s adventure started when he needed to leave QC, but there was a catch—a steep $500,000 exit fee. He wasn’t sure how to come up with the money.

In a twist of fate, Manny discovered a treasure trove of industry contacts on his phone, seemingly out of nowhere. He began dialing different labels for help.

His persistence paid off when he connected with Manny Smith from Interscope. Although initially unaware of the total cost, they worked together, only later realizing it was an $800,000 ordeal.

Manny’s honesty about his situation, including his lack of resources and need for a place to stay, won the support of Interscope. They provided him with a house and studio in the Hills.

While recording, Manny was introduced to Kendrick, leading to their collaboration on “New Freezer.” What started as a chance connection turned into a major milestone in Manny’s career.

Manny Smith’s journey from QC to Interscope and collaboration with Kendrick is a testament to perseverance and the power of unexpected connections.

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