Lauryn Hill faced criticism from fellow Fugee member Pras following the cancellation of the group’s U.S. tour. Pras didn’t hold back, blaming Hill for the mess and expressing his frustrations publicly.

Their 18-date tour was set to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hill’s iconic album, but the sudden cancellation left fans disappointed and searching for answers. Pras’s response has only added fuel to the fire, making the situation even more tense.

Pras’s Fiery New Track

In a new song titled “Bar Mitzfa,” Pras pointed fingers directly at Lauryn Hill for the tour’s cancellation. He raps, “Don’t blame me, blame her, she made the mess / Not another fucking penny is what I told ‘Clef.”

The track, obtained by TMZ, highlights Pras’s frustration and his belief that Hill is at fault. His blunt lyrics leave no room for interpretation, clearly targeting Hill’s role in the situation.

Social Media Spars

Pras didn’t stop at the song. He took to Instagram Stories to further air his grievances. He criticized Hill’s excuses and emphasized what’s truly remembered – how someone made people feel and their reliability.

“Nobody will remember click bait beefs, your salary, how many Gucci bags you owned, bogus excuses,” Pras wrote. “People will remember: how you made them feel, if you kept your word, if they could count on you, if you come on time!!”

The Canceled Tour

The tour was meant to mark the 25th anniversary of “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill,” a milestone celebrated by fans worldwide.

Scheduled to begin on August 7, the sudden cancellation left fans both upset and unsurprised, considering Hill’s history with punctuality issues at shows.

Hill’s Explanation

Lauryn Hill addressed the cancellation through an Instagram post. She blamed media sensationalism for the poor ticket sales that doomed the tour.

Hill mentioned her injury from last year, which required rescheduling shows. “Regrettably, some media outlet’s penchant for sensationalism and clickbait headlines have seemingly created a narrative that has affected ticket sales for the North American portion of the tour,” she explained.

European Shows Moving Forward

Despite the North American leg being canceled, Hill assured fans that the UK and Europe shows will proceed as planned.

“The audiences in the UK and Europe not only haven’t seen the Miseducation Anniversary performance yet, they also haven’t seen the Fugees perform together in over 25 years!” she wrote, emphasizing her commitment to fulfilling those dates.

Pras’s Retaliation

Pras cryptically told TMZ, “I saved her reputation for 20 years by not telling my side of the story but oops … cat’s out the bag.”

This statement hints at deeper issues within the group, further complicated by the recent public exchanges.

Fan Reactions

Fans have expressed a mix of disappointment and resignation. Many took to social media to voice their frustration over the cancellation and ongoing drama.

For some, the recent developments have overshadowed what was meant to be a celebration of an iconic album. The tension within the group has left fans wondering about the future.

The conflict between Lauryn Hill and Pras adds another layer of complexity to the already troubled narrative of the Fugees’ tour cancellation.

As fans hope for resolution and future performances, the public airing of grievances highlights the challenges that the group continues to face.

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